Vancouver based producer Skinny Local just released a new album called “Radio Bombay”. The dystopian sounding album features experimental sounds that point to an important shift in South Asian diaspora artists taking risks to create music that is reflective of their experiences. Radio Bombay is an excellent example of how Skinny Local is able to include sonic elements that express his Gujarati roots while including genres that he grew up listening to such as hip-hop and metal.  Skinny Local’s background in filmmaking allows him to tell a story through this album. Radio Bombay takes you on a journey which begins and ends in the “real world” while jumping between genres replicates switching stations on a radio. The various stations feature amazing artists from around the globe including ThirumaLi, Neesh, Saint Soldier and more. While the album embraces a dark and dystopian mood, Skinny Local composed and included “Lotus City” at the last minute to ensure that the journey ends on a positive and hopeful note. Overall, Skinny Local pushed many boundaries and really tested the limits to create a refreshing album that isn’t confined by genre, geography or language. Radio Bombay is available to stream on all platforms!

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